Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Been Lazy

Phew! I knew that I'd been a bit remiss about posting, but I didn't think it had been that long. Mostly just back problems again. When it hurts to sit in front of the computer you don't really feel very much motivation to natter on about anything much the less the kind of trivia that I usually post here.

However, I am feeling much better these days ... physically at least. It's still quite difficult to maintain any optimism about the world that I'm reading about in the news. Our president still seems to be totally deluded about his presumed infallibility. The Muslims reacted to a discussion of past violence by the Pope with a lot current violence thus affirming his statement. If the Muslims want respect in the West, then the damn well better start respecting non-Muslims in their own countries. I don't really expect that to happen. I expect the Muslims to die off with the rest of the Third World when the environment goes to hell. I am basically an optimist, but there just ain't much good news in the world these days in spite of the takeover by Fox and the other right-wing news organizations.

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